商品の説明 ギター楽器や関連アクセサリーを豊富に取り揃えています OrangeのAcoustic Pedalは、アコースティックギター向けに設計された高品質なプリアンプです。 ORANGE ACOUSTIC PRE TC The Orange Acoustic Pre TC is the world’s first stereo valve acoustic preamp/active DI, offering supreme clarity and unrivalled performance for uncompromising performers. Engineered for both stage and studio use this valve design affords acoustic players the same warmth, natural compression and rich harmonics previously only available to electric guitarists and hi-fi audiophiles. Channel A is a unique ECC83/12AX7 valve channel for active and passive instruments. The analogue solid state Channel B has a different, slightly softer character with outstanding clarity. This channel has inputs for either a microphone or an instrument, and features switchable 48V phantom power. Both channels can be used independently or blended together – perfect for the modern player who combines multiple sound sources. 種類···アコースティックギター 商品の情報 カテゴリーホビー・楽器・アート > 楽器・機材 > ギター > ギターエフェクター商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域東京都
OrangeのAcoustic Pedalは、アコースティックギター向けに設計された高品質なプリアンプです。
The Orange Acoustic Pre TC is the world’s first stereo valve acoustic preamp/active DI, offering supreme clarity and unrivalled performance for uncompromising performers. Engineered for both stage and studio use this valve design affords acoustic players the same warmth, natural compression and rich harmonics previously only available to electric guitarists and hi-fi audiophiles.
Channel A is a unique ECC83/12AX7 valve channel for active and passive instruments.
The analogue solid state Channel B has a different, slightly softer character with outstanding clarity. This channel has inputs for either a microphone or an instrument, and features switchable 48V phantom power. Both channels can be used independently or blended together – perfect for the modern player who combines multiple sound sources.
カテゴリーホビー・楽器・アート > 楽器・機材 > ギター > ギターエフェクター商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域東京都